Monday, August 09, 2010

Social faciliation

Thanks to Terry Neal for her report on the significant effort and administration that went into the SLENZ project. What a commitment.
Two things that I picked up on, one of which I'd like to note here as of some interest (to me at least). Terry mentioned that one of the things they did in Second Life, (amongst others) was to have a social event... a party! Social disconnection within an online learning community is a factor I see discussed quite frequently. 
Good idea... and Terry noted that it was economical in so many ways (which made me chuckle quietly). I was wondering how you (would) manage the inevitable social needs of your learning communities... and to what extent do considerations of the social needs of your learners impact on your responsiveness to them individually, while maintaining the balance between your need for your professional and private space, and facilitating a sense of family and camaraderie amongst your participants.


Sarah Stewart said...

I think these questions you've asked are really interesting. My response years ago would have been..."Social?!...we're not here to be social...we're here to learn!!"

Personally, I like the blurred boundaries between social and professional/learning...I have become friends with the people I am learning from...nearly 100% are complete strangers. But I would not take that same stance with the F2F undergrad midwifery students that i not sure why that is...what do you think?

As for FO2010...what can we do to increase our social learning?

willie campbell said...

is there a way you can configure your blog so that we get the most recent posts first? I find the scrolling through previous posts rather offputting-always when I get there your thoughts are so valuiable, but actually, I have to be quite determined.

Sarah Stewart said...

Willie...I am not at all sure what you mean...the posts are as you describe for me :)

Katherine said...

Goodness... I can't think why that might be. I hope someone can provide insights about differences in the way the interface works. It might be a setting I need to change, or equally, perhaps there is a setting at your screen that could fix the problem.
Good luck with that - love that you're reading my blog.

willie campbell said...

I still am having the what you get first problem. It must be me, as no-one else seems to get the first last. so I'll just scroll way down to begin.
I find the scrolling wiorht the reading.

Sarah Stewart said...

Thats wierd, Willie. Is it only this blog or every blog?

willie campbell said...

this blog only.